Saturday, December 29, 2012

Two Weeks

Two weeks is a LONG time to spend alone all day, every day with anyone, much less three small humans of the male persuasion. We've made it half way through the Christmas break without major bodily harm coming to anyone, so I'm going to call it a success thus far. One week down, one long ass week to go.

Ridiculous optimist that I am, I had a veritable winter wonderland of activities planned for the boys during their break from school. Snowman building, sledding, cookie making, tree trimming, the works. Somewhere in all the fa-la-la-la-ing in my head, I managed to forget that I am also a supreme control freak and that my kids are 7, 5 & 1. None of this is going to go according to plan.


On any given day, I have a LOT going on in my head. Some good, some bad, some flat out weird. Being a full time working mom of three boys gets a little crazy. I have decided to start this blog to give the outside world a glimpse of the absurdity that is my life. Enjoy. And be thankful...this could be happening to you.